Sunday, July 31, 2011
Final discussion-by Kayli Leng
In my opinion I don’t believe from internet. Nowadays many information are all update by own computer, everyone can update and all information aren’t prove yet, for example Wikipedia. Other than that internet have many rumors, people like to gossip once news out people can shared out of the world in one minute, but the information maybe change because everyone put his or her opinion so that it will change the meaning of the news. So we can’t 100% trust internet.
[Kan Yen Li] Discussion 4 Response
Discussion 4 by Yau Yau
Discussion 4 [Yau Fen Nie]
Nowadays, people get information mostly from internet than other, including me. I would rather search for what I want from internet than going out to library, search the information from a huge pile of books. But the problem is, how trusty is the information from the internet. Can we fully believe on it? As the popularity of internet going higher especially social network such as Facebook and Twitter, many people like to spread rumors or some exaggerated information to grab other's attention, they just simply want other to believe and notice the existing of them. But they don't know that how serious is the problem is, the rumors that came from them will spread out seriously fast throughout internet if the news is such a sensation, and this will mislead others to a wrong information, they will get misconception even affect the reputation of others once there is people believe on it. For example, last few months ago, many social network's users across the globe were abuzz over rumors that Hong Kong-based action star Jackie Chan recently died of a heart attack, but the truth is NOT, he is in fact alive and well. At the same time, many people has been fooled by this rumor.
But on the other hand, there is not everything in the internet are unreliable, for example like official news site, the information given is justified. In conclusion, we have to think about the reliability of the site before we choose to believe on it or not.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Discussion 4 [Alice Low]
Discussion 4-Camille Koh
For me, I personally do not trust what I find in the web to be a hundred percent the truth. Now with the internet being so globalize, everyone and anyone could have wrote a particular information and that could only be their personal opinion. When finding information on the internet, I usually will go through different websites and sources before finalizing my thoughts on a particular topic or issue. For example, when there is a product I would like to purchase, I'll probably go to different forum sites to browse and read other people's view and comment first before purchasing the item.
Other than that, we also can't entirely believe the information posted on social networking sites, like the very famous and still expanding, Facebook. The information posted on people's profile may not entirely be the truth. Their age, birthday, where they live or even how they look like might just all be lies!
In the end, it all depends on yourself whether you choose to trust a specific source of information or not. But of course, try to be smart about making that decision as well.
Friday, July 29, 2011
DISCUSSION 4 by Cham Yang Hui
For me, i don't often take what is on the internet as truth with our thinking much about it. I just read it and know what's the latest update. Believe it in 50-50 only. As we know, people like to make news, get people's attention. Just like the previous discussion, journalist write something they get paid. That's their job. So they want to get people's attention then they only can earn money. Same goes to blogger. People like to write what they think. Maybe the news just a gossip which they just know a little bit of a whole story, then they started to make a story by their own. So, what we read in the internet doesn't mean it is all truth.
For an example the hong kong artist Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung married in the year of 2006, and they have 2 sons now. Before this, they seems like very lovely, happiness family. Yet now the news is they want to divorce and they said this is just the gossip. But after that, got news saying that they already deal with the divorce and will announce at the end of the year. But now, still don't have any news, rumors proved unfounded.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Do you often take what is on the Internet as TRUTH with our thinking much about it? If yes, why? If no, why? Discuss this in your own words with recent personal examples.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Media Culture Discussion 3 (Amanda Tham)
Is personal writer which use blog to record their feeling, mood and their experience also, they can write what they like with their own opinion. And most of them are non commercial, usually they get side income by placing advertisement in their blog.
Usually they write article instead of post like blogger did, and they have to write their article in polite way, mostly write article regarding many things like, event, product, society issue and many more. And they get paid if they sell article to the newspaper, just what they write have to be polite and freedom are limited, not freely as blogger did.
Conclusion is, everyone can be blogger, and journalist too, as long they understand the character they wanna be.
[Kan Yen Li] Discussion 2 Response
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Discussion 3 [Alice Low]
Blogger VS Journalist_Topic Discussion 3 [Yau Fen Nie]
Blogger VS Journalist..Are blogger journalist? For me, I think that a blogger can’t be considered as a journalist. But, nothing stops a blogger from being a journalist and vice versa, some bloggers are journalist too but most are NOT. The definition of blog from The Merriam Webster is a website that contains an online personal journal with reflection, comments, and often hyperlinked provided by the writer. While the definition of journalist is a person engaged in journalism especially a writer or editor for news medium / a writer that who aims at a mass audience.
In my opinion, BLOG is an online diary that allowed people to express themselves, air opinions and promote themselves - and, by extension, their products and services. While JOURNALISM is a job/career, they are publisher, editor, reporter, or other person connected with or employed upon a newspaper, magazine, or other periodical publication, mostly they are paid to do their job. They have the rights to collect the information and publish it in the dailies to cover the people.
However, bloggers have much in common with journalists activities; because, bloggers also have rights to collect information. Bloggers helps the journalist by collecting and posting recent updated information happening in the world, and there are so many journalists and reporting organizations whose resources will help bloggers produce better, more accurate work.
With much in common as well as many differences, bloggers and mainstream journalists should be looking into one another for ideas on how to navigate our newly revised media world.
So Bloggers need only to look at the ethical standards developed by various journalism groups to get ideas on important issues to be included in a bloggers' guide. A media executive who moonlight as a blogger as it is necessary; the journalist need to hear some news from the blogger and from the public, to reveal information.
Discussion 3 "Are bloggers journalists?" by Yau Yau

Discussion 3-Camille Koh
Everyone can be a blogger these day, but to be a journalist, a good one, you will need training and certain criteria before becoming one. As a journalist, you need to be able to conduct a proper interview, know actual news from gossips or trivia and write in a proper way, that means in correct grammar and spelling.
On the other hand, bloggers usually write or blog about the things that are most interest to them. I think this is where the difference of blogging and journalism lies. Journalist usually writes about facts that might not entirely be of interest to them at all.
Blogger shouldn't be held in the same high standards as journalism. But then again, blogger can be consider as a tool for journalism, that is, depending on the person who blogs it.
discussion 3 by kayli leng
A news reported by journalist and blogger are totally difference. Blogger can be non-formal and journalism must be formal. So that is the difference of journalism and blogger. I agree with that journalist write and get paid because is their job and blogger is volunteer to write out their feeling and what their thinking.
Friday, July 22, 2011
DISCUSSION 3 by Cham Yang Hui
Journalist is a job which they get paid by someone. So my opinion is sometimes the thing might not be correct or not really exactly what the person said and they written on it. Journalist, automatically will think of media, so sometimes they must write something nice but actually not really that nice for example in an event or write something which more over than the realistic. For example the celebrities, sometimes maybe the incident weren't so serious or so bad yet they might write it till how serious it is. So, this make us feel like, journalist could write something which not happened until it's like really happened. That's something different between blogger and journalist.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Discussion 2 "Media Stereotypes" by Yau Yau
According to the Webster's Dictionary, stereotyping is defined as a fixed conventional notion or conception of an individual or group of people, held by a number of people. Stereotypes can be basic or complex generalizations which people apply to individuals or groups based on their appearance, behaviour and beliefs. Stereotypes are found everywhere. Though our world seems to be improving in many ways it seems almost impossible to liberate it from stereotypes. Stereotypes have existed since the beginning of time in our everyday life through religion, politics and the media.
Media stereotype was widely used in our life. For my experience and research, women or girls are shown as slim and men are shown with muscles and with perfect appearance in the movies or in all the advertisement. Not only that, even on video games, the male characters are always likely to be heroes and with big muscles, great power and lots of abilities. Female characters are always likely to be shown as sexy, pretty and frequently wearing revealing clothing.
However, video game teaches kids that violence is acceptable. In video games, the way to beat an opponent is to punch, kick or knock him out. In movies, the good guy wins when he violently defeats his enemy. This is bringing wrong information to people. After kids are play those video games or watch those movies, they will follow the action that what they was seen on the games or movie. This is because those characters in the games or movies are already stereotypes in our mind.
Media Culture Discussion 2
Like the sample video, arab always appear in Hollywood movie mostly as terrorist, weapon dealer, as long many kind of character which with bad image on it, and when time goes on, many people will misunderstand Arabian mostly work as those dirty work, with those bad image which reflect from the Hollywood movies. This is also a fact when they use same way too much, mislead the audience and give them wrong information.
And the image of many occupation inside the movie, not just Hollywood movie, even Asia also facing same problem. They use pretty girl and handsome guy as main character, create a different illusion with the reality, and with too much information nowadays, and resistance plus filtering of audience not same with everyone, it easy to mislead the audience most of the time.
Discussion 2 [Alice Low]
According to my research, media stereotypes are inevitable, especially in the advertising, entertainment and news industries, which need as wide an audience as possible to quickly understand information. Stereotypes act like codes that give audiences a quick, common understanding of a person or group of people, usually relating to their class, ethnicity or race, gender, sexual orientation, social role or occupation.
In my view, I think that it is more important that people are able to recognize the stereotypes than knowing how to combat the usage of stereotypes in media. This is because once we get rid of one stereotype another will take its place. Children should be taught from the schools what are the stereotypes that exist in society and how one should understand them. This is to prevent them from reproduce the existing stereotype and did not except everything what they see in movies, press or Internet for the pure truth. I believe that we need to start from elimination of believe in stereotypes within the society.
Discussion 2 - Media stereotypes_[Yau Fen Nie]
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Discussion 2-Camille Koh
Magazines are also sending out the wrong message to the society, where they stereotypes gender. They illustrate how men and women are supposed to be or supposed to act like. For example. men should always be masculine, dominant, strong and seem to be interesting in technology and cars whereas women are always perceived as feminine, emotional and mostly likes to go shopping and put on make-up.
[Kan Yen Li] Discussion 2 Response
Discussion 2 by kayli leng
For example many advertisement magazines also use beautiful women or girl handsome man or guy for the main character for the page. This is because people like to see beautiful things so it can attract more people to watch the advertisement.
In Japanese drama or Korean drama that always have perfect man with a girl. The perfect man must be tall, handsome, intelligent and others. So it will mislead a lot of audience.
--Kayli Leng--
Friday, July 15, 2011
DISCUSSION 2 by Cham Yang Hui
For an example, "Rush Hour" which act by Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker and Ken Leung and of course the other actors.. From that movie, we can see that Asians are known kung fu and they don't know how to dance. At first Chris Tucker thought Jackie Chan doesn't understand English in that movie and also he thought Asians are nerd but actually we aren't.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Discussion 1 [Alice Low]
The advantages comes when social media make people easy to start making money as it has online with a blog, a few affiliate products to promote and a whole trench of social networking accounts. It is actually giving others convenient from going out while they themselves are also saving from buying or renting a shop to have a business. Not only that, job opportunities may also increase.
Media Culture Discussion- Social Media
20-30 years ago, the world start appear usage of computer, and with the technical like as they use in the telecommunication.
And until today, facebook, twitter, tumblr, even now the latest Google+ is getting hot in just a few day after it start launching the beta.
Overall, the improvement of social media nowadays shorten distance for everyone in the world.
You can meet up with your friend with just a webcam and finger on the keyboard. And sent instant message to them, instead of phone, phone cost you credit but usually, internet won't, so this is why nowadays IM (instant messenger) also very popular.
Plus, we have friendster from few year ago, and now most popular is facebook, it just created by a US boy for social need, but it aimed what people need, turned out that facebook become part of our daily life, such as discussion, contact each other, share content like photo, music and info.
Mainly, the improvement of social media shorten the distance of all the people in the world, we can talk with each other with just simple drop email, or instant messege, even with content sharing to update your status always. It also showed the concept of "earth village"
It keep grow rapidly nowadays and it shorten more and improve much on the function and convenient in the future.
[Kan Yen Li] Discussion 1 Response
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Discussion 1 "Social Media" by Yau Yau
Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, YouTube and so on. These are all examples of social media. "Social media essentially is a category of online media where people are talking, participating, sharing, networking, and bookmarking online."
kayli leng comment
Can i post my comment here??
My comment:
Camille post> i agree with camille also. Sometimes news paper din't write the news and facebook does. People share the video and photos of the Bersih rally that news paper din't write out.
chamy Post> that's really true, i use internet everyday if without internet and computer i think i can't do anything. so i agree with you, without internet life become boring and outdated. I add something on it,we never buy newspaper in hostel. so we need internet to see what world happen now. so internet is very important for us.
--Kayli Leng--
Discussion 1 - Social Media
Social Media is an online technology tools that allowed peoples nowadays to communicate through internet such as Facebook, twitter, blogger and so on. Seriously, social media has affecting us in many ways, either in positive or negative. Nowadays, I believe that most people would not live in life without social media including me. It enables me to communicate, to share and to know everything anytime and anywhere. Frankly, I get know everything new from social media, not newspaper anymore. Social media expanding our social networking, we get know more friends from local or other country. With some applications like Skype, I can communicate with my friends and relatives that live further away even over sea without any charges.
With social media, peoples can now operate their business without an existing shop or company, for example, in facebook, we can see many pages that selling clothes, contact lenses, daily needs and many more. I’m one of their customers too, it’s very convenient, just with few clicks, online transaction, I bought the things I want without going out. However, it has disadvantages; we never know the quality of the products unless we bought it. Other than that, we are taking risk of being cheat, it’s insecure sometimes.
Moreover, social media is affecting our written communications, or even our oral communications. Usually, I write in short form in email, sms, notes and online chatting every day, and finally this become my bad habit. For example, I would write ‘whr r u?’ instead of ‘where are you?’. Even in examination, I’ll never realize that I have many mistakes on these. This is really unacceptable. On the other side, I ever heard people talked by adding those ‘online language’ such as ‘lol’, ‘afk’, ‘gtg’ etc. in their conversation.
Admittedly, social media really affecting our life positively and negatively yet we can’t live without it. :)
Social Media discussion 1
I think most of the teenager use social media to widen their friendship, keep in touch with friends or reconnect to their old friends by using social media.
Social media also can be a marketing strategy. As we see that many advertisement post on Facebook, because seem like many people use social media and we use every day so that people can see the advertisement through social media and not just only can see it on television. And people use it to promote their products by making a contest or voting on facebook.
Other than that people also make their own e-commerce business on social media. such as selling cloths, key-chain and others.
I think that many people make social media be a part of our life.
--Kayli Leng--
Friday, July 8, 2011
Social media impact (discussion 1)-Camille Koh
Social media can also inform you about the latest happenings that are going on right now in the world, whether locally or internationally. We now do not need to just depend on the news or newspapers to know about the latest global events. For example, I can just go to Facebook and check out people's updates in my news feed to know what is trending right now like the latest happening which is the Bersih rally which has been going on for the past few days. For someone who barely watches the news, I wouldn't have even know that this rally is happening if it were not for the people on Facebook to share it in the web.
Other than that, social media can also greatly improve the economy. A lot of people are establishing their business through social media and are actually doing really well. Television programs, talk show, advertising as well as online shopping are some of the few commonly known business to have expanded quite well in the past few years. How does this impact the economy? Well, a good advertisement or commercial can really influence the people and convince them to invest on whatever the product you are trying to sell. For example, the Macbook Air commercial, although simple, it really emphasized the best feature of the product, which in this case is the thinness and lightness of the Macbook Air. People who are not familiar with the product would probably be interested just by seeing it on the television.
Social media greatly influence the way we live our lives. Whether it is a positive or negative one, I think it depends on how you use it and impact it into your lives.
Blog Assignment - TOPIC DISCUSSION 1 :
1.) 1 reflective response on topic given (5%)
2.) 2 reflective response/comments to members’ postings within the group (2.5% X 2 = 5%)
Monday, July 4, 2011
Group Member
Amanda Tham Shih Wei 1111111053